Study – “Foam with BIOCRYSTAL® mixture”

Study – “Foam with BIOCRYSTAL® mixture”

The following study aims to show the results of an scientific study, which considers the energy influence of BIOCRYSTAL® on humans that cannot be researched and proved by standard measurements means.

„Using clinical way of research and testing, we explored the effects of the BIOCRYSTAL® foam on people when there were no sources of electromagnetic radiation within the radius of 5 meters.

In the tests, we monitored various physiological parameters (skin conductance, heart rate, muscle activity, respiration rate, body temperature,…) in ten volunteers.

With the help of various statistical methods, we compared and assessed the data gained by measuring the physiological parameters when the Biocrystal foam and the control one (sham exposure) was used.

The result:
Decreased values for temperature, muscle activity, heart rate, skin conductance and course of respiration indicate that testees were more relaxed when exposed to BIOCRYSTAL® foam compared to control foam. At the same time BIOCRYSTAL® foam induced higher metabolic activity as it was indicated by higher respiration rate compared to control.

» See the whole study

» Test from WALTER H. MEDINGER, MSc, PhD

» Test from Institute for Frontier Science