Our products are good for your pet!

Natural Energizer products for lively, stressed and healthy dogs and cats to keep them in shape, stay healthy and be mentally more balanced and concentrated.

Natural Energizer products supporting therapy for a better recovery after diseases or injuries. Also for older animals, e.g. with already impaired mobility or other ailments.
Scientifically tested ‘Natural Energizer’
Heitex animal textiles count among the best things you can do to enhance the well-being of your darlings. The production of inserts for cat and dog baskets is based on globally leading technology. BIOCRYSTAL® and CELLIANT® are products that utilise the natural power and positive effect of crystals and minerals. A survey has shown that 85.6% of pet owners who use the products would also recommend them to others. No negative experiences or effects are known to date.
Healthy, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
Crystals and minerals are regarded as the most valuable gifts that nature can give us and are associated with remarkable therapeutic properties. Animal textiles by Heitex with embedded crystal and mineral complexes, for example, help preserve health, alleviate pain and boost healing processes. Find out more about our extensive Natural Energizer range – for people, for horses and for plants.
These products are not intended as a substitute for examinations or treatments by physicians or vets or therapists.